Sunday, November 27, 2011

Big Breakfast Sunday: The Importance of Eating Together as a Family

Many families don't have time to sit all together around a dinner table during the week. My family is no exception to this rule. When sports are in full swing, we find ourselves serving meals from the crockpot or preparing something later that's rather quick. Even then, it's rare that we can all sit down together at the same time.

To compensate for our lack of ability to eat together during the week, we have implemented a family tradition, "Big Breakfast Sunday." We go to the later worship service on Sunday so we can all sit down together on Sunday morning and eat breakfast together.

There are many research studies and overall opinions that suggest that sitting down and eating meals with your family (the more the better) has great benefits, and I personally agree! Why do I agree? My biggest proof is in my dining room floor. For a while my husband and I would sit down in the family room and eat dinner rather than at the dinner table with the kids. What we noticed was that whenever we weren't at the table with the kids, there was a HUGE mess. I believe children learn by example, so when we are at the table to demonstrate and enforce proper meal-time etiquette, they learn. Additionally, we are there and able to encourage them to eat all their food and try all the things we put on their plate.

Not only do I think that by sitting at the table with the kids we are teaching them things, I think we are also bonding with them. My husband and I try to talk with the kids and show that we are interested in their lives. Even though our children are all still very young (8, 6 and 3), I'm hoping that this habit/tradition will positively continue with them and demonstrate to them that we are truly interested in what is going on in their lives.

So, despite the fact that we are on-the-go during the week, we have started the tradition of at least having "Big Breakfast Sunday" (Saturday instead sometimes). I encourage everyone to sit-down and have as many meals as possible with their children!

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