Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Meals From Scratch Meal Planning - June 2012

One of the most gruelling tasks for me following a from scratch lifestyle has actually been the meal planning.  I mean, it takes considerable effort sometimes to plan the meals out in which we are going to eat. After that, I have to create my shopping list, and then I have to buy the groceries and find time to cook everything.  In my house, we eat 6 times a day which while good for you makes planning and shopping time consuming at times! 

Pinterest has become my friend as of late, because it has given me fresh new ideas for summer and reminded me of some old recipes that I know. 

I am clearing out my stock of some things that I have in my pantry and I have planned out my meals for June.  I challenge everyone to do the same and to start a from scratch lifestyle this summer.  I will post my meal plan, weekly shopping list, recipes, etc., and the bulk of the work will be done for you.  All you have to do is go to the grocery store to buy the groceries (something you have to do anyway) and make the meals (making everything from scratch might be a little more time consuming, but I am planning meals which mostly you can prepare and cook in one day and then freeze/refrigerate and reheat for the week).  If this seems like a lot of work, grab a neighbor or friend.  It makes the time go by faster and the extra hand in the kitchen is always a plus. 

I will be grabbing my neighbor and good friend Angie this summer.  We are going to try and bake our bread, make and prepare our snacks and meals for the week on Mondays - which I have also conveniently dubbed crockpot day! 

So, clean out your kitchen this week, and get ready for a from scratch summer with me!  I promise you will feel better if you do it!  I will post in the next couple of days the 1st weeks' meal plan, shopping list and recipes. 

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